We are here to help you find opportunities to move from awareness to action and then on to commitment. We want to connect you to frontline warriors we trust who are in the trenches rescuing and rebuilding lives. Together we can support them with funds, prayer, and action, wherever needed, whenever needed.

Below are the current projects and organizations we are committed to supporting both internationally and in our home state of Oklahoma.. Specific needs and programs will be highlighted when they arise. We have indicated, where we can, what annual funding needs are typical for these projects.




RAHAB HOUSE began as group of girls initially rescued several years ago by a local and regional pastor. They were safely housed and cared for by various partners. The Orange Movement began supporting with housing, food, and education and have continued for years. The housing, food supplies, and some school fees are now covered by sponsorships (learn more about One Life). The annual assistance that Liberty611 has provided has become important to provide for furthering their education beyond basic schooling. As these young women grow,  we want to help provide any additional training needed to ensure they can find jobs and support themselves for the future.

Funding Needs: $1200-$1500 annually


We have been blessed over the last several years to partner with that same S.E. Asia pastor from Rehab house, who connected us with another pastor and his wife in a Myanmar border town helping street kids find a safe place to live and get an education. Much like Rahab House, after a few years of assistance, the basic needs kids are now being met. Liberty611 comes alongside to help with a variety of needs beyond the day-to-day, like this year when the home flooded and then needed a new drainage system. The political situation currently in Myanmar is increasingly dire and unsafe, and the needs are going to become greater for the foreseeable future.

Funding Needs: $1500-$3000 annually



Venture works with partners overseas to identify and intercept women and children that are vulnerable to trafficking at borders, as well as providing holistic care including various safe housing options that we help to support. Learn more and see stories

Funding Needs: $90/month provides care for one child


Venture started HER (Himalayan Entrepreneur Resources). HER is an empowerment initiative in Nepal that gives health, safety, and autonomy to marginalized women, so they live free from sexual exploitation and abuse. Learn more and see stories

Funding Needs: 100% of any donation amount goes towards health, safety, and entrepreneurial resources for marginalized women in Nepal.



Heart Matters is a provides exploitation prevention programs. They help educate and equip to expose child exploitation before it begins. Child exploitation happens everywhere – even in our smallest, most peaceful communities. Unfortunately, it is often unidentified until it’s too late.

​HeartMatters is a Bartlesville, OK-based non-profit that helps teach school aged students how to proactively identify and protect themselves from dangerous content and potential predators they may encounter both online and in their communities. We offer in-school programs and also collaborate with area non-profits, homeschool groups and churches to provide exploitation prevention classes and workshops. Learn more & find ways to support